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Monday, November 15, 2010

"It will challenge every resource of the Church"- Harold B. Lee

I was listening to a podcast from preparedness radio, and a man was talking about his work in third world countries, educating the people about being prepared for natural disasters. They were taught what to do, because their government had no means or tradition of coming to the people's aid in a situation like that.

After his work overseas, the man came back to the United States, and discovered to his great disappointment, that the attitude here among most people is that there is no reason to worry, or to prepare, because the government will come to our rescue. This is a false sense of security.

This attitude is all around us, and you have probably received strange looks from family or friends when they see your food storage. But we know what the prophets have taught us, and we know that government aid during a disaster is not where we should put our trust. We have been commanded to have a one-year's supply of food and other essential supplies IN OUR OWN HOMES.

We also know that the Church cannot supply everyone's needs. We must stand as independently as we possibly can.

We also lovingly contribute our fast offerings to the Church Welfare services so that the Welfare Program can help those who cannot help themselves. We DO NOT want to plan to be the ones lacking the food and supplies, passively waiting for the Church or government to come to our rescue.

In the April 1978 General Conference, Bishop J. Richard Clarke said the following:

President Harold B. Lee, in his last public reference to Welfare Services, stated:

“There is no person who knows the purpose for which this Welfare Program is being instituted, but hardly before sufficient preparation has been made the real purpose will be revealed, and when that time comes, it will challenge every resource of the Church to meet it.” (Church Employees Christmas Program, 1973.)

Perilous times await us. Judgments will be poured out upon the wicked. Saints must live in obedience to righteous principles to be safe from the calamities declared by holy prophets. There is much work to be done before the return of our Lord and Savior. It is true that we do not know precisely the day of the Lord’s second coming. As Elder Bruce R. McConkie says, “Deliberately and advisedly the actual time of his coming has been left uncertain and unspecified, so that men of each succeeding age shall be led to prepare for it as though it would be in their mortal lives.” (Doctrinal New Testament Commentary, vol. I, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1973, p. 675.) Now there is always some risk in speaking of prophetic events in connection with welfare planning because there are those who jump to speculative conclusions. But the Lord gives us prophecy that we might prepare ourselves: for he said, “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear.” (D&C 38:30.)
(The Storehouse Resource System, Bishop J. Richard Clarke, Second Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, Ensign, May 1978)

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