This is Part 2: On October 19, 2010 our ward youth had an Emergency Preparedness drill in three homes, as their joint activity. (Family #1-Anonymous, Family #2- Blake and Amelia, and Family #3-Mike and Mitzi.)
The youth split up into teams with their leaders and visited the homes, and gave each family the following tasks. The groups earned points according to what tasks they could complete.
Example: "The oil on the stove catches fire. What do you do?
Earn points: 1 pt for finding the baking soda
1 pt for putting a lid on the pan
1 pt for finding the fire extinguisher
1 pt for each child meeting outside at a pre-determined meeting spot
1 pt for each child knowing how to call 911
Family #1- Our kids did NOT know what to do when oil caught fire, so the Young Men explained what to do. Our kids remembered our family meeting spot, it is the court in front of the house.
Family #2- Blake and Amelia: We have a fire extinguisher.
Family #3-Mike and Mitzi: We got out the baking soda, we need to get a fire extinguisher, and our kids knew to go to the neighbor’s mailbox.
Example: Your vehicle is stalled on the freeway on a very hot day, or you are stuck in your car somewhere in an ice storm.
Earn points: 1 pt for having a blanket in trunk.
1 pt for having any food in the car.
1 pt for having any water in the car.
1 pt for having flares, or cell phone, or paper/marker to write on in the car (to let passersby know you are in trouble)
Family #2-Blake and Amelia: We had water in the car, and we scrounged all the goldfish that had fallen on the floor.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: When I’m pregnant I always keep food in the car, and a case of bottled water. I keep blankets in there, and crayons and coloring books.
Example: There is a nuclear disaster at the Shearon-Harris Nuclear Power Plant.
Earn points: 1 pt for knowing which way to evacuate.
5 pts for each 72 hour kit you can grab.
1 pt for having a predetermined way to meet spouse away from home.
Family #2- Blake and Amelia: We don’t have our 72 hour kits ready, but I have our important papers together.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: We didn’t know which direction to go. We have one 72-hr-kit. Now we have decided to meet at a relative’s house in Virginia.
Example: A tornado is reported coming straight for your house.
Earn points: 2 pts for each family member to all huddle in a safe place, interior bathroom or closet, or basement or crawlspace.
5 pts for owning a weather alert radio.
Family #1- We huddled in a safe place, in an interior bathroom.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: We huddled in our big food storage closet under the stairs.
Example: The water supply has failed. There is no running water.
Earn points: 5 pt to flush a toilet with stored water.
5 pts if you own (and can find) your water filter or water purification tablets or bleach.
5 pts if you own 100 or more paper plates or paper cups.
Family #1- We need to improve our water supply.
Family #2- Blake and Amelia: We have a water filter and purification tablets. We have lots of drinking water.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: We have water in the garage. We have bleach, and paper cups and plates.
Example: Your child cuts his leg very badly.
Earn points: 1 pt for finding your first aid kit.
1 pt for having a large bandage.
Family #2- Blake and Amelia: We have a duffle bag full of first aid. He could do IV’s, he can staple heads or glue heads, and he even has a baby-catching kit.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: We have a first aid kit.
Example: Your house catches fire at night while you are sleeping.
Earn points: 5 pts for testing an alarm by holding a match nearby, making the alarm sound.
5 pts for every upstairs bedroom that has an emergency ladder.
1 pt for every person that meets at the predetermined meeting place outside your house.
Family #2- Blake and Amelia: Our kids knew to meet at our predetermined spot.
Family #3- Mike and Mitzi: The kids loved the alarm, wanted us to do it again. We don’t have a ladder, the kids knew where to meet.
Good job to everyone. This was a good emergency drill, and taught the kids and the adults a lot.