If you are trying to save money on diapers, or if you are stocking up on cloth diapers for your year's supply, here is a great place to buy regular old-fashioned cloth diapers. And they are so inexpensive!
Prefolds for 58 cents each (pictured above)
Flat for 65 cents each
Plastic pants for $1 each.
A gross of diaper pins (is that 144?) for $7.75.
I am our ward's Provident Living specialist. This blog will be the place to store all the handouts and information I give out to my ward in North Carolina. Not an official site affiliated with our church, all views are solely the result of my personal study and are shared as a help to others.
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Prices rising for diapers
Whoa Baby, Prices Are Jumping for Diapers, Other Family Basics
April 26, 2011
Candles- "365 is not too many"
I read somewhere on a survivalist-type blog that we should have LOTS of candles. They said that "365 is not too many." So ever since, I have been buying candles at yard sales anytime I see them. Here are some I got a couple of weeks ago, I think I paid $5 for the whole bunch.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wondering What's Going to Happen with the Wheat Crop?
"Massive Crop Losses" Feared from South Drought
April 28, 2011
KANSAS CITY (Reuters) – The worst drought in more than 40 years intensified across Texas over the last week, with high winds and heat causing "massive crop losses," with little relief in sight, according to weather experts Thursday.
A report released Thursday from a consortium of national climate experts, dubbed the Drought Monitor, said drought worsened along the Texas border with Oklahoma, and in western, central and southern Texas.
Ranchers were struggling to feed and water cattle, and farmers were left to watch their crops shrivel into the dusty soil. Some experts estimated that producers were giving up on as much as 70 percent of the state's wheat acreage.
"There are some scary things going on in Texas," said Brian Fuchs, climatologist with the National Drought Mitigation Center, which released its weekly drought analysis Thursday morning.
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Association said this week that the drought appeared to be the worst since at least 1967.
Lost agricultural production in Texas was estimated to top $3 billion, which compares with $4 billion in losses in 2006 and $3.6 billion in 2009.
The dramatically lower-than-normal amount of moisture in the soil has caused widespread crop failures, including to the state's hard red winter wheat crop.
Texas is a key production area for wheat. The losses there and in parts of the U.S. Plains hit by drought will aggravate already short supplies around the world.
"There has been some significant damage to the wheat crop," said analyst Jerry Gidel of North American Risk Management.
The Basics of Family Finances
Reminder: There is a Family Finances class being taught in the Morrisville building every Thursday evening 7-8:30 pm, for the next 6 or 7 weeks.
A Message from the First Presidency – Family Finances Brochure - “All is Safely Gathered In”
“Latter-day Saints have been counseled for many years to prepare for adversity by having a little money set aside. Doing so adds immeasurably to security and well-being. Every family has a responsibility to provide for its own needs to the extent possible. We encourage you, wherever you may live in the world, to prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from this bondage! Save a little money regularly to gradually build a financial reserve. If you have paid your debts and have a financial reserve, even though it be small, you & your family will feel more secure and enjoy greater peace in your hearts.”
Pay an Honest Tithe and Offering
Successful family finances begin with the payment of an honest tithe and the giving of a generous fast offering. The Lord has promised to open the windows of heaven and pour out great blessings upon those who pay tithes and offerings faithfully. (see Malachi 3:10)
Avoid Debt
Spending less money than you make is essential to your financial security. Avoid debt, with the exception of buying a modest home or paying for education, or other vital needs. Save money to purchase what you need. If you are in debt, pay it off as quickly as possible.
Use a Budget
Keep a record of your expenditures. Record and review monthly income and expenses. Determine how to reduce what you spend for nonessentials. Use this information to establish a family budget. Plan what you will give a Church donations, how much you will save, and what you will spend for food, housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, insurance, and so on. Discipline yourself to live within your budget plan.
Build a Reserve
Gradually build a financial reserve, and use it for emergencies only. If you save a little money regularly, you will be surprised how much accumulated over time.
Teach Family Members
Teach family members the principles of financial management. Involve them in creating a budget and setting family financial goals. Teach the principles of hard work, frugality, and saving. Stress the importance of obtaining as much education as possible.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Victor L. Brown, "Prepare Every Needful Thing", part 2
This conference talk from 1980 sounds like it could have been given this month.
Victor L. Brown, “‘Prepare Every Needful Thing’,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 79
Our concern and the thrust of my message, which has been repeated from this pulpit many times, is that the welfare program rests on the basic principle of personal and family preparedness, not on Church preparedness.
We are concerned that because the Church program includes production projects, canneries, bishops’ storehouses, Deseret Industries, and other visible activities, our people are mistakenly led to believe these things replace the need for them to provide for themselves. This simply is not so. The evidence that this illusion exists is seen in the experience of the last few months as the draw on fast offerings and storehouse commodities has spiraled.
We are very much aware that we live in difficult times, perhaps as difficult as any recent period in history. The economy in general seems to be out of control; there is high unemployment in many areas. Inflation is running rampant in most countries of the world. Personal debt is staggering. It seems almost impossible for young people to buy a home. Many who have purchased a home have monthly payments which leave no room to handle the slightest emergency.
We have been taught that we should build our reserves over a period of time, that we should not go into debt to do so, that we should buy those things we use and use them on a rotation basis, that we should use common sense in preparing ourselves to be independent and self-reliant. There has never been extremism or fanaticism associated with these teachings.....
.... It is the opinion of many that more difficult times lie ahead. We are deeply concerned about the welfare of our people and recognize the potential privation and suffering that will exist if each person and family does not accept the word of the Lord when he says, “Prepare every needful thing” (D&C 88:119), and “It must needs be done in mine own way” (D&C 104:16).
May I again implore you priesthood and Relief Society leaders to see that all members of the Church everywhere understand the responsibility they have for their own welfare, that our people will be blessed to live provident and righteous lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Victor L. Brown, “‘Prepare Every Needful Thing’,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 79
Victor L. Brown, “‘Prepare Every Needful Thing’,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 79
Our concern and the thrust of my message, which has been repeated from this pulpit many times, is that the welfare program rests on the basic principle of personal and family preparedness, not on Church preparedness.
We are concerned that because the Church program includes production projects, canneries, bishops’ storehouses, Deseret Industries, and other visible activities, our people are mistakenly led to believe these things replace the need for them to provide for themselves. This simply is not so. The evidence that this illusion exists is seen in the experience of the last few months as the draw on fast offerings and storehouse commodities has spiraled.
We are very much aware that we live in difficult times, perhaps as difficult as any recent period in history. The economy in general seems to be out of control; there is high unemployment in many areas. Inflation is running rampant in most countries of the world. Personal debt is staggering. It seems almost impossible for young people to buy a home. Many who have purchased a home have monthly payments which leave no room to handle the slightest emergency.
We have been taught that we should build our reserves over a period of time, that we should not go into debt to do so, that we should buy those things we use and use them on a rotation basis, that we should use common sense in preparing ourselves to be independent and self-reliant. There has never been extremism or fanaticism associated with these teachings.....
.... It is the opinion of many that more difficult times lie ahead. We are deeply concerned about the welfare of our people and recognize the potential privation and suffering that will exist if each person and family does not accept the word of the Lord when he says, “Prepare every needful thing” (D&C 88:119), and “It must needs be done in mine own way” (D&C 104:16).
May I again implore you priesthood and Relief Society leaders to see that all members of the Church everywhere understand the responsibility they have for their own welfare, that our people will be blessed to live provident and righteous lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Victor L. Brown, “‘Prepare Every Needful Thing’,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 79
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Victor L. Brown, "Prepare Every Needful Thing" part 1
Victor L. Brown, “‘Prepare Every Needful Thing’,” Ensign, Nov 1980, 79
My dear brothers and sisters, my message this morning is one of deep concern.
You will recall that ancient Israel was kept wandering in the wilderness for forty years before the people were prepared to cross over Jordan and enter the promised land. For over forty years we as a people have been taught the importance of personal and family preparedness. We have been taught that the first responsibility for our welfare rests upon our own shoulders and then upon our families. Only when these resources fail do we have call upon the Church. Yet, in recent months, it has been increasingly evident that there are many who are not prepared.
Within the last twelve months, the distribution of fast offerings and commodities by the bishops has been alarming. At the present rate of demand, the Church resources will be almost expended in a short time. As a matter of fact, some commodities have already been depleted, and this when the evidence is that the recession will be of a short duration. It would appear that in altogether too many cases the teachings about preparedness have been either misunderstood or knowingly rejected. Many of our members appear to feel that when difficulty comes, the Church will come to their aid, even when they could have prepared themselves had their priorities been appropriate.
Some time ago while visiting two stakes, I saw the evidence of the point I am trying to make. Both stakes were in predominantly Latter-day Saint communities. Both were affected seriously by the same severe but temporary disruption of employment. Generally, when I arrive in a new community for stake conference, I drive around the neighborhood or countryside to get a feel for the kind of people who live there. For example: Are their yards well taken care of? Are their homes well cared for? Are there old dilapidated barns and outbuildings, or are the properties neatly maintained and fenced? In other words, how much pride do the people have in themselves and their community?
In the first stake I refer to, I saw well-cared-for homes and yards. It seemed that this was a prosperous, so-called middle-class area. Some would have thought it an affluent area from the number of recreation vehicles in the driveways—boats, campers, and motor homes. As I met with the stake presidency, I commented on the apparent prosperity of the people. However, when reviewing the welfare needs of the people, I was shocked to see the demands made on the fast-offering funds and the bishops’ storehouse.
The stake president informed me that within a week or two of the closing down of the major employer, many families came to their bishops for assistance. They had very limited reserves from which to take care of themselves. He also mentioned there were some faithful members in his stake who from their reserves had taken care of their own needs as well as assisting some of their neighbors.
In the second stake, which was some distance from the first but which was impacted heavily by the same employment problem, I saw few recreation vehicles. As a matter of fact, I saw little evidence of affluence, although the properties were neat and tidy. Here I was surprised to see practically no fast offerings or bishop’s orders being used.
I asked the stake president if his bishops understood and were discharging their responsibilities for the poor and those in need. He indicated that, while some families had needed to seek assistance from their bishops, most of the members recognized their responsibility for their own welfare and were prepared to take care of themselves.
You see, the priorities of the members of these two stakes were very different. Many in the first stake were not prepared and expected the Church to take care of them, while in the second stake the situation was reversed—the majority of the people had prepared to meet their own needs.
(to be continued)
Monday, April 25, 2011
New stuff on Debbie Kent's website
I just got this email from Debbie Kent, about her website. I don't know her personally, but she has one of the best LDS food storage websites I've ever seen. (See url below)
Hi Friends,
Just a little note to let you know that the February and March Preparedness Classes are now up and running on my website.
They can all be found here, along with many others. Enjoy and feel free to share.
The 4 class videos I put up are:
2011 No Knead Breads
2011 Gardening
2011 You Can't Beat Wheat
2011 Shelter, Sanitation & Water
Happy Easter!!!
Check out my Website http://peaceofpreparedness.com/
Hi Friends,
Just a little note to let you know that the February and March Preparedness Classes are now up and running on my website.
They can all be found here, along with many others. Enjoy and feel free to share.
The 4 class videos I put up are:
2011 No Knead Breads
2011 Gardening
2011 You Can't Beat Wheat
2011 Shelter, Sanitation & Water
Happy Easter!!!
Check out my Website http://peaceofpreparedness.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Rethinking food storage/disasters with elderly or sick parents
My friend Kari B. wrote this about her parents:
Mom is sick. She has been sick since Dad died. We've been to a number of doctors and can't seem to put a finger on what the problem is. She has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease and Chronis gastritious. (Celiac is hard to detect...sometimes it takes YEARS. We feel blessed that it was diagnosed so quickly.) But. that means no wheat products (bread or pasta).
We've done tons of research the last 2 weeks and have found that lots of people can't have gluten and it's really just a matter of cutting out a few things and making sure what you do eat --you CAN eat. For a family that lives on wheat bread, this has been not necessarily tricky or hard...just an adjustment-to say the least.
We've had to rethink our food storage for Mom--what CAN we store that she can eat, or carry with us in an event of emergency. Special diets during an emergency can be tricky. When my Dad was alive, he and mom said that if there was a hurricane, they would never leave the house. They would just stay here and stick it out, (and die, if the Lord wanted) ...there was simply too much to take (bathroom supplies, bottled oxygen, special food, special bed, etc.) It is something to really think about.
We know a lot of people that are older that it would take a LOT to help them through a disaster. My dad without his liquid food (not just anything can go down a peg tube) couldn't have survived-besides being miserable being relocated without his bed and supplies--it would've been super hard to even have gone to a hotel and stay--handicapped bathroom needs.
Lots of people with special needs will need so much more in a crisis situation.
Something to think about.
Emergency Preparedness with older folks:
1. Transportation needs:
My dad had a wheelchair, oxygen, and special food. To evacuate, these three things would've filled the entire back of the van.
2. Medicine
Getting or having medicine on hand can get tricky when you take a lot on a daily basis. Most doctors aren't willing to give you a 3 month supply.
3. Food
Are there special dietary needs? Foods they can't eat with the whole family. My Dad was fed through a Peg-Tube. Keeping enough canned liquid food on hand was next to impossible. The doctor would only order 3 weeks at a time.
Mom can't have gluten--so no granola bars, or cold cereal, or bread for a sandwich. Other things are available, but not the variety or ease.
4. Paper information
Some people have a bag with ALL of their important information in it. Wills, financial information, who to contact, etc. This is so important because this generation usually does NOT have information on the computer.
5. Shelter
Moving my father, who slept on a hospital bed, and had daily nursing needs would've been tough.
Planning ahead is the key. Just stopping to think about how to help ease the trauma of an emergency. And, how once the emergency is over... reestablishing a lifestyle and getting back into a routine.
The emergency doesn't end when the hurricane/earthquake is over. Often the world does not just "get back to normal". We are seeing that in Japan. Trying to find food, shelter, and medicines will take time and flexibility...something older folks may not have a lot of.
Children my age (in their 40's--can I really be that old?) are starting to see their parents age. It is our time to step up and help make sure that things are thought through and to make sure that our parents have a PLAN.
(Thanks, Kari. These are important things to think about.)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Prudence should govern our lives- Hinckley, 2002
Ensign » 2002 » November
To Men of the Priesthood
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Brethren, I wish to urge again the importance of self-reliance on the part of every individual Church member and family.
None of us knows when a catastrophe might strike. Sickness, injury, unemployment may affect any of us.
We have a great welfare program with facilities for such things as grain storage in various areas. It is important that we do this. But the best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. Five or six cans of wheat in the home are better than a bushel in the welfare granary.
I do not predict any impending disaster. I hope that there will not be one. But prudence should govern our lives. Everyone who owns a home recognizes the need for fire insurance. We hope and pray that there will never be a fire. Nevertheless, we pay for insurance to cover such a catastrophe, should it occur.
We ought to do the same with reference to family welfare.
We can begin ever so modestly. We can begin with a one week’s food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months. I am speaking now of food to cover basic needs. As all of you recognize, this counsel is not new. But I fear that so many feel that a long-term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all.
Begin in a small way, my brethren, and gradually build toward a reasonable objective. Save a little money regularly, and you will be surprised how it accumulates.
Get out of debt and rid yourself of the terrible bondage that debt brings.
We hear much about second mortgages. Now I am told there are third mortgages.
Discipline yourselves in matters of spending, in matters of borrowing, in practices that lead to bankruptcy and the agony that comes therewith.
To Men of the Priesthood
President Gordon B. Hinckley
Brethren, I wish to urge again the importance of self-reliance on the part of every individual Church member and family.
None of us knows when a catastrophe might strike. Sickness, injury, unemployment may affect any of us.
We have a great welfare program with facilities for such things as grain storage in various areas. It is important that we do this. But the best place to have some food set aside is within our homes, together with a little money in savings. The best welfare program is our own welfare program. Five or six cans of wheat in the home are better than a bushel in the welfare granary.
I do not predict any impending disaster. I hope that there will not be one. But prudence should govern our lives. Everyone who owns a home recognizes the need for fire insurance. We hope and pray that there will never be a fire. Nevertheless, we pay for insurance to cover such a catastrophe, should it occur.
We ought to do the same with reference to family welfare.
We can begin ever so modestly. We can begin with a one week’s food supply and gradually build it to a month, and then to three months. I am speaking now of food to cover basic needs. As all of you recognize, this counsel is not new. But I fear that so many feel that a long-term food supply is so far beyond their reach that they make no effort at all.
Begin in a small way, my brethren, and gradually build toward a reasonable objective. Save a little money regularly, and you will be surprised how it accumulates.
Get out of debt and rid yourself of the terrible bondage that debt brings.
We hear much about second mortgages. Now I am told there are third mortgages.
Discipline yourselves in matters of spending, in matters of borrowing, in practices that lead to bankruptcy and the agony that comes therewith.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Maple Island Milk- none available
First, the Walton Feed prices got raised 5% right in the middle of our stake doing our big order.
Then, the Church canneries raised their prices between 6% and 38%.
Mountain House food is back-ordered for months.
And now, right when our stake was going to order a bunch of powdered milk from Maple Island, they have notified us that they are completely out of stock.
Does this make you a little nervous?
Well, don't panic. But I would advise you to not be complacent, either. Times may be getting tougher, but there are still opportunities to buy food storage. Just don't pass them up.
Pray for help and inspiration, study grocery prices, and buy food wherever you can find it for good prices. But we need to be pro-active and actually search and pray about this, because I assume it won't be as easy to get food storage in the future as it has been in the past. But I know the Lord will assist us in this effort, because it is important and it is a commandment of God.
Then, the Church canneries raised their prices between 6% and 38%.
Mountain House food is back-ordered for months.
And now, right when our stake was going to order a bunch of powdered milk from Maple Island, they have notified us that they are completely out of stock.
Does this make you a little nervous?
Well, don't panic. But I would advise you to not be complacent, either. Times may be getting tougher, but there are still opportunities to buy food storage. Just don't pass them up.
Pray for help and inspiration, study grocery prices, and buy food wherever you can find it for good prices. But we need to be pro-active and actually search and pray about this, because I assume it won't be as easy to get food storage in the future as it has been in the past. But I know the Lord will assist us in this effort, because it is important and it is a commandment of God.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Over 60 Tornadoes in North Carolina yesterday
Yesterday we had to call our son and tell him to take cover, a tornado was within a mile of his apartment. He and his wife live near Avent Ferry Road.
Today we had to drive through intersections with no traffic lights on the way to the Garner church building, the power is still out on South Saunders Street.
It is shocking to read the news stories of the people killed and buildings demolished in our county, as well as in about 4 adjoining counties.
So, what did you learn from this massive tornado outbreak yesterday? I want you to send in comments.
Here are some things I learned:
1- I was too non-chalant about the weather forecast. I knew there was supposed to be severe weather, but assumed it wouldn't happen to me, so I really wasn't watching the TV or listening to the radio. When I decided to turn it on, there was already a tornado on the ground in my son's area.
2- If the power had been out, we wouldn't have had a way to get news. My solar/windup radio quit working and I haven't bought another one yet.
3- If that tornado had been heading for my neighborhood, I think I would have been tempted to drive to Wendy H.'s house, since they live in our neighborhood and have a basement. I should make a point to talk to them about that, in case this scenario happens again.
4- Several people in other states were hit by tornadoes as they slept, and were killed by trees falling on them in their beds. I much prefer tornadoes to hit in the daytime, when you can be aware they are coming. Yes, it is inconvenient to sleep in our living room, but it is much safer to sleep downstairs when severe weather is predicted. Don't sleep upstairs when there is a tornado watch!
Please add your own comments. What did you learn?
Today we had to drive through intersections with no traffic lights on the way to the Garner church building, the power is still out on South Saunders Street.
It is shocking to read the news stories of the people killed and buildings demolished in our county, as well as in about 4 adjoining counties.
So, what did you learn from this massive tornado outbreak yesterday? I want you to send in comments.
Here are some things I learned:
1- I was too non-chalant about the weather forecast. I knew there was supposed to be severe weather, but assumed it wouldn't happen to me, so I really wasn't watching the TV or listening to the radio. When I decided to turn it on, there was already a tornado on the ground in my son's area.
2- If the power had been out, we wouldn't have had a way to get news. My solar/windup radio quit working and I haven't bought another one yet.
3- If that tornado had been heading for my neighborhood, I think I would have been tempted to drive to Wendy H.'s house, since they live in our neighborhood and have a basement. I should make a point to talk to them about that, in case this scenario happens again.
4- Several people in other states were hit by tornadoes as they slept, and were killed by trees falling on them in their beds. I much prefer tornadoes to hit in the daytime, when you can be aware they are coming. Yes, it is inconvenient to sleep in our living room, but it is much safer to sleep downstairs when severe weather is predicted. Don't sleep upstairs when there is a tornado watch!
Please add your own comments. What did you learn?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Learned to set up our tent
I've never liked camping, but I realize that a disaster could happen where we have to evacuate our home and live in a tent. So I thought it would be wise to learn how to set up our tent.
We were going to actually go camping but the weather forecast was terrible so we set up the tent in our living room. I made my husband teach me how to set up the tent and the cots, I had never done it before so it was a good learning experience. And the cot with a cushy pad on top was quite comfortable.
It makes me feel better knowing I don't have to depend on my husband to set up all these things, I could do it myself if I had to.
We were going to actually go camping but the weather forecast was terrible so we set up the tent in our living room. I made my husband teach me how to set up the tent and the cots, I had never done it before so it was a good learning experience. And the cot with a cushy pad on top was quite comfortable.
It makes me feel better knowing I don't have to depend on my husband to set up all these things, I could do it myself if I had to.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
How to attach a GammaSeal lid
I keep the food storage that I am currently using in buckets with GammaSeal lids. These are the deluxe lids (about $7.50 apiece) that easily screw on and off. No prying them off with a tool.
To attach a GammaSeal lid, take the center out. Place the ring on your bucket, and whack very hard all the way around with your rubber mallet until the ring clicks down. I don't think you can ever remove it.
I have never had one of my buckets break or crack after I've attached a GammaSeal to it, but when that ever happens, I expect I'll have to throw the whole thing away. I think it is pretty permanent.
After you have attached the ring, then you can screw on the center.
To attach a GammaSeal lid, take the center out. Place the ring on your bucket, and whack very hard all the way around with your rubber mallet until the ring clicks down. I don't think you can ever remove it.
I have never had one of my buckets break or crack after I've attached a GammaSeal to it, but when that ever happens, I expect I'll have to throw the whole thing away. I think it is pretty permanent.
After you have attached the ring, then you can screw on the center.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
How to seal a gasket lid onto a bucket
Here I am with my trusty rubber mallet, pounding the heck out of the edges of this gasket lid. (These are the cheap lids, around $1.75 each. Most food storage has these lids.)
We tried to push the lids down with our hands, but that was worthless. Go buy a rubber mallet, it is so much easier.
You really have to wale on it, and hit it quite violently to get the edges to pop down.
Note: Only hit the edges, don't hit it in the middle or it will crack.
We tried to push the lids down with our hands, but that was worthless. Go buy a rubber mallet, it is so much easier.
You really have to wale on it, and hit it quite violently to get the edges to pop down.
Note: Only hit the edges, don't hit it in the middle or it will crack.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How to open a bucket
Here is the best way to open a regular gasket lid. Buy one of these tools from Emergency Essentials or a similar store. http://beprepared.com/product.asp?pn=MS%20L200 It is called a Champion Lid Lifter and it costs $14.95. I used to have a red plastic one, it was cheaper, but I lost it.
Pry up all around the lid, and lift it up. You can usually reuse the lid, I haven't ruined any this way.
If you don't have a tool like this, you basically have to cut all the little notches with a knife, and break all your fingernails. I would rather use the tool.
Pry up all around the lid, and lift it up. You can usually reuse the lid, I haven't ruined any this way.
If you don't have a tool like this, you basically have to cut all the little notches with a knife, and break all your fingernails. I would rather use the tool.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Testimony of Japanese woman sharing food storage after quake
(Note from Amy: It is an inspiration to me that this woman still had the means and the desire to help others. What a blessing that she had food storage!)
Intro from Hiroko Bunderson:
Here are the testimonies. My friend in Sendai had already received permissions from both sisters to share their testimonies with us and others. I would love to share their testimonies with everybody so we can be strengthened also.
When we translate their testimonies, we tried to explain a little bit so other people who are not familiar with Japanese custom can understand but we didn't add too much either.
Here is a testimony of a sister in Nagamachi Ward who walked from Tagajo to Natori, Sendai which is about 12 miles distance.
"I was washed away while I was still in my car when the Tsunami hit after the great earthquake. The water depth was about 10 feet at that time. I was finally able to escape from the car window when my car came to a place where I was able to stand. (With the help of firefighters) I stayed at somebody’s house that night and I started walking to my house the next morning. I received much help from kind people and finally was able to get home. There were many things on the ground in my house when I get home, but I somehow managed to clean up all the mess.
When I was walking to my house, there were many places that were full of water where I couldn’t walk and I just walked along the railroad. When I was walking to my house, I was reminded of stories of pioneers who were on the way to Utah. Especially, I have been studying about Marry Fielding Smith and I knew her faith and strength. Her story encouraged me while I was walking home and I was able to persevere. Although the times are different, I think I was able to reach my home just like she walked her trail of faith.
When I got home, many people were struggling with the lack of food. Especially, the elderly people at the nursing homes were having a hard time finding their food and I was able to donate from my one-year’s food supply to them. It was a pleasure for me to do so. Last November, our Bishop in Nagamachi Ward was inspired to study about disaster prevention and food storage so we were studying about these things. I am really grateful for his inspiration.
Through my experiences this time, I learned how important it is to be obedient to the Lord’s commandments. I am grateful that I was able to receive strength through studying the history of these sisters.
There are many people who died in this disaster, however I am still here because of the Lord’s will. I think I still have a mission to do. I plan to tell my experiences to children and continue to pray so we will be able to hold on to the iron rod.
I am grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ.
I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hideko Uchiyama"
Saturday, April 9, 2011
CNBC looking at food storage and survivalist gear
(oops, the first one I put on here didn't link to the correct CNBC video.)
And here is another short segment CNBC did, looks like they might have covered this same subject on a couple of days.
And here is another short segment CNBC did, looks like they might have covered this same subject on a couple of days.
Friday, April 8, 2011
April Provident Living Challenge
Congratulations to the women who each won some cookies last night!
These women met the goals for February: Karen G, Mary Ann P, Nicki H, Amber T., Latacha D, Kayte D., and Laura H.
This woman met the challenge for March: Amelia B.
April 2011 Provident Living Challenges:
Do one of these by the May evening Relief Society meeting and get a prize!
1. Print out at least one of the food storage booklets from the CD “Over 1000 Pages of Food Storage Information” which Amy gave out at her Apex stake women’s day presentation on March 12, or at the Morrisville Relief Society evening meeting April 7. (If you didn’t get a CD, ask Amy for one.)
2.Learn a gardening skill or work in your garden.
If you have never had a garden, here is the minimum assignment. Go to Lowe’s or Home Depot or a garden center and buy at least one tomato plant.
(Make sure you look to see if it is "Indeterminate", which means it grows as a vine and needs a trellis to hold it up, or if it is "Determinate", which means it grows as a bush.)
Keep the plant indoors, and keep it watered, until April 15. Then you can plant the tomato outside in a pot with potting soil, or prepare the ground with potting soil and plant it in the ground. Talk to Amy if you want more instructions.
If you have had gardening experience before, your assignment is to get your garden ready and start planting things. Anything you do to prepare or plant your garden will qualify you for the prize.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Nitro-Pak explains why many food storage items are back-ordered
This is from http://www.nitro-pak.com/ (Click on the link near the top of the home page "Click-Why the Long Processing Time?")
Dear Friend and Valued Customer,
Thank you for your order. We very much appreciate your business!
I wanted to give you an IMPORTANT UPDATE. The current demand for preparedness foods is at an all-time high since the days of Y2K (1999). This has affected EVERY preparedness company in America. It has been growing and growing over the past several months (since the November elections) and remainsEXTREMELY HIGH due to America's and the world's current political & economic uncertainty as well as HIGH INFLATION FEARS. Because of this demand, our order processing time has increased.
We appreciate your patience. Just like Disneyland, the lines are long, but they are still moving although very slow! This is one line you do not want to get out of!
The nation's emergency food manufacturers have all been overwhelmed with orders, so much so that Mountain House has stopped selling to 99% of their dealers except NITRO-PAK and a few of others. We are receiving shipments each week, but demand still exceeds supply.
PLEASE NOTE:We currently are NOT TAKING ANY MOUNTAIN HOUSE CAN FOOD ORDERS per their request. Their backordered list is too long. Please understand with over 34 Mountain House canned food items and with their ability to make 3-5 items per week, out-of-stock holes WILL occur. We will be sending out unit orders with the Nitro-Pak foods first and Mountain House foods as they become available. You will receive several different shipments over the next few months as we receive products. This is the best way to ensure you get your order asap.
To expedite orders with pre-packaged food units, some substitutions WILL become necessary. Any such substitution will be of equal or greater value. Backorders in units may be required when substitutions are unavailable and will be done at no extra cost to you. WE WILL PAY FOR ANY BACKORDER SHIPPING COSTS. I think that is only fair.
Most non-food orders are being processed in about 2-5 business days. Orders with MOUNTAIN HOUSE #10 canned foods, food reserve units or modules MAY TAKE up to 160 DAYS TO SHIP due to EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND(some backores may still occur.)
Please understand, this is no self-serving hype here just raw, unfiltered facts from one who has been in this business for over 25 years. I predicted that this would happen over 12 months ago, and so it now has.
We are fulfilling in the order we receive them. Rest assured, we will NOT process your credit card until we are ready to ship your order, unlike you might find elsewhere. Thank you, in advance for your understanding and patience!
On behalf of the entire Nitro-Pak Team, THANK YOU AGAIN for your order!
Harry R. Weyandt
President, Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center, Inc.
Dear Friend and Valued Customer,
Thank you for your order. We very much appreciate your business!
I wanted to give you an IMPORTANT UPDATE. The current demand for preparedness foods is at an all-time high since the days of Y2K (1999). This has affected EVERY preparedness company in America. It has been growing and growing over the past several months (since the November elections) and remainsEXTREMELY HIGH due to America's and the world's current political & economic uncertainty as well as HIGH INFLATION FEARS. Because of this demand, our order processing time has increased.
We appreciate your patience. Just like Disneyland, the lines are long, but they are still moving although very slow! This is one line you do not want to get out of!
The nation's emergency food manufacturers have all been overwhelmed with orders, so much so that Mountain House has stopped selling to 99% of their dealers except NITRO-PAK and a few of others. We are receiving shipments each week, but demand still exceeds supply.
PLEASE NOTE:We currently are NOT TAKING ANY MOUNTAIN HOUSE CAN FOOD ORDERS per their request. Their backordered list is too long. Please understand with over 34 Mountain House canned food items and with their ability to make 3-5 items per week, out-of-stock holes WILL occur. We will be sending out unit orders with the Nitro-Pak foods first and Mountain House foods as they become available. You will receive several different shipments over the next few months as we receive products. This is the best way to ensure you get your order asap.
To expedite orders with pre-packaged food units, some substitutions WILL become necessary. Any such substitution will be of equal or greater value. Backorders in units may be required when substitutions are unavailable and will be done at no extra cost to you. WE WILL PAY FOR ANY BACKORDER SHIPPING COSTS. I think that is only fair.
Most non-food orders are being processed in about 2-5 business days. Orders with MOUNTAIN HOUSE #10 canned foods, food reserve units or modules MAY TAKE up to 160 DAYS TO SHIP due to EXTREMELY HIGH DEMAND(some backores may still occur.)
Please understand, this is no self-serving hype here just raw, unfiltered facts from one who has been in this business for over 25 years. I predicted that this would happen over 12 months ago, and so it now has.
We are fulfilling in the order we receive them. Rest assured, we will NOT process your credit card until we are ready to ship your order, unlike you might find elsewhere. Thank you, in advance for your understanding and patience!
On behalf of the entire Nitro-Pak Team, THANK YOU AGAIN for your order!
Harry R. Weyandt
President, Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center, Inc.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Even Walmart is announcing price increases
I keep seeing articles that say food prices are going UP UP UP.
I keep seeing articles that say food prices are going UP UP UP.
"....inflation is "going to be serious," Wal-Mart U.S. CEO Bill Simon said during a meeting with USA TODAY's editorial board. "We're seeing cost increases starting to come through at a pretty rapid rate."
"...Along with steep increases in raw material costs, John Long, a retail strategist at Kurt Salmon, says labor costs in China and fuel costs for transportation are weighing heavily on retailers. He predicts prices will start increasing at all retailers in June."
My advice: Use whatever discretionary money you have right now to buy the food before it gets too expensive.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Scriptural basis for preparedness
Saturday, April 2, 2011
"32 Seconds in Coalinga"- New Era Nov. 1983
I appreciated this article about the Coalinga earthquake in California, because of the description of the way the church members worked together afterward. This is a great example of what our stake could do after a disaster here.
I appreciated this article about the Coalinga earthquake in California, because of the description of the way the church members worked together afterward. This is a great example of what our stake could do after a disaster here.
Shari Vanlandingham, 14, and a convert of eight months, said she feels that being a member of the Church makes a big difference during a time of calamity. “I don’t know what we would do if we didn’t have all this help. After the quake they had a meeting at the Church and asked what everybody needed. Whatever you needed, they would help you get. Everybody was helping everybody.”
Janel Woolsey, 14, agreed. “The Church made a lot of difference. The evening of the quake the church was opened for anybody who needed food or a place to sleep. People just came by to see if they could help.”
The meetinghouse quickly became a center for coordinating relief efforts. Several families whose homes were unsafe to live in set up tents and trailers in the parking lot. The bulletin board in the foyer was divided into headings—Carpentry, Plumbing, Brickwork, etc.—with listings of those who needed help in each area. Local radio stations announced that anyone who needed help cleaning up could contact the LDS church.
The Church organization was able to respond quickly to individual needs largely because of preparations that had been made before the earthquake. Even before the Tuesday planning meeting in Hanford, ward leaders had compiled a list of supplies that ward members could provide in the event of a disaster. They knew who had campers, tents, cooking equipment, and first-aid supplies. They knew what members were trained in medical, plumbing, and construction skills. And members of the ward welfare committee had been assigned specific responsibilities in the event of a disaster—communications, child care, food preparation, sanitation, emotional problems, etc.
While most members had plenty of food, cooking it with the power off was a problem. And since everyone was so busy trying to clean up their homes, the evening meals provided by different wards in the stake were extremely welcome. For two weeks after the quake, meals were prepared by the Relief Society sisters in the stake and transported over long distances to Coalinga.
Cannery prices increased, some up to 38%
Someone compared the BULK FOOD Prices at the LDS cannery on the price list from January 7, 2011 and the new price list effective April 4, 2011. (This is the Home Storage Price List from the website www.providentliving.org)
Here are the differences:
Old Price New Price Percent Change
Black Beans $13.20 $16.80 +11%
Pinto Beans $17.45 $18.55 +6%
White Beans $12.55 $16.00 +21%
Dry Milk, Nonfat $41.65 $47.20 +12%
White Rice $10.00 $13.85 +27%
Sugar $17.35 $21.15 +33%
White Wheat $7.65 $11.45 +33%
Apple Slices $60.45 $72.55 +17%
Carrots $57.65 $66.40 +13%
Macaroni $16.50 $20.25 +18%
Quick Oats $9.85 $15.95 +38%
Regular Oats $9.85 $15.35 +36%
Dry Onions $76.30 $88.20 +13%
Potato Flakes $30.90 $33.30 +7%
Spaghetti $19.95 $23.85 +16%
Refried Beans $28.60 $35.90 +20%
Hot Cocoa Mix $33.50 $38.95 +14%
White Flour $10.30 $13.30 +22%
Fruit Drink Mix $27.75 $31.30 +11%
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