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Monday, April 19, 2010

Increasing in Frequency

From an article written by E. Dale LeBaron "The Savior's Ministry to the Nephites: A Millenial Prototype"

"Why will many be unprepared for these events? Because they ignore the prophets and because the destructive events, while they increase in frequency and power, blend together, and little regard is given to them. In October 1992 general conference, Elder M. Russell Ballard said, "Recently, I read a newspaper article that cited statistics from the U.S. Geological Survey indicating that earthquakes around the world are increasing in frequency and intensity...."

(still quoting Ballard) "According to this article, only two major earthquakes---earthquakes measuring at least 6 on the Richter Scale---occurred during the 1920's. In the 1930's the number increased to five, then decreased to four during the 1940's. But in the 1950's nine major earthquakes occurred, followed by fifteen during the 1960's, forty-six during the 1970's, and fifty-two during the 1980's. [Note this was given in October 1992.] Already, almost as many major earthquakes have occurred during the 1990's as during the entire decade of the 1980's." (close quote Ballard)

"In light of this tremendous increase in one of the signs of the times, are people flooding to their churches...? Hardly. Why not? Nearly thirty-five years ago...President Joseph Fielding Smith testified, "The words of the prophets are rapidly being fulfilled, but it is done on such natural principles that most of us fail to see it."

(p. 5-6, Transcript, F.A.R.M.S. Book of Mormon Lecture Series, (c) 1995 Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies)